
Let’s write a wired application using inversion of control (IoC).


This tutorial uses dataclasses. Why? Why not? [wink] There’s nothing in the core of wired that requires type hints, dataclasses, etc., although wired does ship with a dependency injection system based on dataclasses.

Our application will be a Greeter. Someone walks in a store, they get greeted. We’d like IoC to help us make this into a decoupled, extensible, configurable, pluggable application.

  • We might want to change the Greeter

  • The Greeter’s greeting has punctuation…maybe that is in a config file

  • We might want a Customer who receives the greeting

  • We might want a FrenchGreeter for a FrenchCustomer

  • Each Customer comes from a “datastore”..let’s make that transparent and pluggable

  • Some people might not like our decisions…let’s show how to replace built-in stuff, in certain (unlike other Python plugin systems which focus on adding stuff)

  • Finally, let’s make it look like the patterns we see in web frameworks

Tutorial Steps