
Now let’s start showing off a little.

Sometimes you want a different kind-of-thing in certain contexts. For example, a French-speaking Customer enters the store. You might want a French-speaking Greeter.

wired lets you register multiple flavors of things, stating which “context” determines which thing should be selected. For example, give me a FrenchGreeter when the context is a FrenchCustomer. Magnifique!

This tutorial step shows this pattern:

  • We register two factories, one without a context (the default) and one for the FrenchCustomer context

  • Later, when a Customer comes in, we show selecting the Greeter based on “this is a French Customer” versus “nothing special about this Customer, just a default”

We also pass the Customer into the Greeter.__call__ to let the Greeter greet the Customer by name.



A customer walks into a store. Do the steps to interact with them:

- Get *a* (not *the*) greeter

- Interact with them

Simple wired application:

- Settings that say what punctuation to use

- Registry

- Two factories that says hello, one for the FrenchCustomer context

- A default Customer and FrenchCustomer


from dataclasses import dataclass

from wired import ServiceRegistry

class Customer:
    name: str

class FrenchCustomer(Customer):

class Settings:
    punctuation: str

class Greeter:
    punctuation: str
    greeting: str = 'Hello'

    def __call__(self, customer: Customer) -> str:
        return f'{self.greeting} {} {self.punctuation}'

class FrenchGreeter(Greeter):
    greeting: str = 'Bonjour'

    def __call__(self, customer: Customer) -> str:
        return f'{self.greeting} {} {self.punctuation}'

def setup(settings: Settings) -> ServiceRegistry:
    # Make the registry
    registry = ServiceRegistry()

    # Make the greeter factories, using punctuation from settings
    punctuation = settings.punctuation

    # First the default greeter, no context
    def default_greeter_factory(container) -> Greeter:
        # Use the dataclass default for greeting
        return Greeter(punctuation=punctuation)

    # Register it as a factory using its class for the "key"
    registry.register_factory(default_greeter_factory, Greeter)

    # Now the French greeter, using context of FrenchCustomer
    def french_greeter_factory(container) -> Greeter:
        # Use the dataclass default for greeting
        return FrenchGreeter(punctuation=punctuation)

    # Register it as a factory using its class for the "key", but
    # this time register with a "context"
    registry.register_factory(french_greeter_factory, Greeter, context=FrenchCustomer)

    return registry

def greet_customer(registry: ServiceRegistry, customer: Customer) -> str:
    # A customer comes in, handle the steps in the greeting
    # as a container.
    container = registry.create_container()

    # Get a Greeter using the customer as context. Use the Customer when
    # generating the greeting.
    greeter: Greeter = container.get(Greeter, context=customer)
    greeting = greeter(customer)

    return greeting

def main():
    settings = Settings(punctuation='!!')
    registry = setup(settings)

    # *** Default Customer
    # Make a Customer, pass into the "greet_customer" interaction,
    # then test the result.
    customer = Customer(name='Mary')
    assert 'Hello Mary !!' == greet_customer(registry, customer)

    # *** French Customer
    # Make a FrenchCustomer, pass into the "greet_customer" interaction,
    # then test the result.
    french_customer = FrenchCustomer(name='Henri')
    assert 'Bonjour Henri !!' == greet_customer(registry, french_customer)