
The basic workflow is:

  1. Create a wired.ServiceRegistry containing service factories and service singletons.

  2. Invoke wired.ServiceRegistry.create_container() per logical operation to create a wired.ServiceContainer object.

  3. Invoke wired.ServiceContainer.get() as necessary to get a service instance conforming to the desired name/interface.

                                               │                       │
                                    ┌──────────│    ServiceContainer   │
                                    │          │                       │
                                    │          └───────────────────────┘
┌──────────────────────┐            │                     ■
│                      │            │
│    ServiceRegistry   │<───────────┤                     ■
│                      │            │
└──────────────────────┘            │                     ■
                                    │          ┌───────────────────────┐
                                    │          │                       │
                                    └──────────│    ServiceContainer   │
                                               │                       │

Registering services

Service singletons and factories can be registered by type or by name. It is recommended to register them by type to avoid naming clashes. Two services registered for name='login' would clash and it would be unclear what each one is. However, a service factory that is registered to provide instances of the LoginService class are unambiguous. Anyone else registering such a service factory is directly competing for control of that type. It is possible to register for both type and name.

As a note, when calling wired.ServiceRegistry.register_factory(), the first argument is a callable. It doesn’t have to be a function: it could be a class that accepts the container as an argument. In such a case, the class might be both arguments. This kind of usage is helpful when combined with the __wired_factory__ protocol and the @service_factory decorator discussed below.

Service factories accept one argument, a wired.ServiceContainer instance. The container may be used to get any dependencies required to create the service and return it from the factory. The service is then cached on the container, available for any other factories or code to get.

The @service_factory decorator

It’s quite convenient to register your factories with decorators, as you can just point at a module or package and not manually do each registration. wired has optional support for the venusian package for deferred scanning and evaluation of decorators. You can then register your services with the wired.service_factory decorator:

from wired import service_factory, ServiceRegistry
from .. import decorators

class Greeting:
    def __init__(self, container):
        self.greeter = container.get(Greeter)

    def greet(self):
        return f'Hello from {}'

The decorator can take arguments of for_, context, and name, to mimic the arguments to register_factory.

You can find more variations, including setup of the scanner, on this in the Decorators examples.

The __wired_factory__ protocol

When you call wired.ServiceRegistry.register_factory() the first argument is the factory “function”. It takes a wired.ServiceContainer, makes the desired object, and returns it. This means a separation: a “function” that makes the class instance, and the class.

As we saw above, the first argument is really a callable that returns an instance, and that means the class itself can be the first argument. But what if you want custom logic to pick apart the container then construct the class?

Enter the __wired_factory__ protocol. This is an attribute – for example, a classmethod – on the factory callable. It is passed the container and returns the class.

    def __wired_factory__(cls, container: ServiceContainer):
        return cls('Marie')

This class method is then used as the first argument to wired.ServiceRegistry.register_factory(). It doesn’t have to be just for classes and class methods: a function/class/instance could have a __wired_factory__ attribute stamped on it, possibly via an intermediate decorator.

More examples are available in Wired Factory.


from wired import ServiceRegistry

def create_service_registry(settings):
    registry = ServiceRegistry()

    engine = engine_from_config(settings)
    registry.register_singleton(engine, name='dbengine')

    def dbsession_factory(container):
        engine = container.get(name='dbengine')
        return Session(bind=engine)
    registry.register_factory(dbsession_factory, name='dbsession')

    def login_factory(container):
        dbsession = container.get(name='dbsession')
        return LoginService(dbsession)
    registry.register_factory(login_factory, LoginService)

    return registry

settings = ...
registry = create_service_registry(settings)

Context-sensitive services

A unique feature of wired is that different service factories/singletons can be registered for the same type/name. The appropriate one is selected by registering the service with a context argument that constrains the types of context required. At lookup-time a container is bound to a particular context and will affect which service factory is invoked.

Services are cached per-context instance (by object identity) and their factories can use the instance, defined as container.context as necessary.

By default, services are registered with context=None, indicating that the service does not care and will not use the context. In this case, the same instance will be cached and returned for any context.

Using services

The application / codebase, ideally, should define a single registry which is considered read-only and threadsafe. Later, per-logical operation (such as a web request, or worker job, or thread, etc) a new wired.ServiceContainer should be created. The container can be used to create services required to complete the operation without concern for the exactly service implementation defined in the registry.


container = registry.create_container()

login_svc = container.get(LoginService)
user = container.get(IUser, context=request.context)
auth_token = login_svc.get_auth_token(user)

Binding to a context

Container objects are thin wrappers around a service cache and it’s possible to create more than one at a time, each bound to a different context in order to simplify calls to wired.ServiceContainer.get(). Bound containers are created automatically when invoking service factories if a context is passed to container.get(..., context=...). Alternatively, bind a container manually for reuse via wired.ServiceContainer.bind(). Using a bound container, all calls to .get will, by default, use the bound context.

Any factories registered for context=None (which is the default registration) will not be affected by any of this and will always receive a container.context value of None.

Injecting services into a container manually

Sometimes a service factory cannot easily be defined globally. Rather, per-container there may be some services that can be registered, defined by the logical operation.

For example, imagine binding the web request itself as a service, or the active user:

container = registry.create_container()

container.register_singleton(request, IRequest)
container.register_singleton(request.user, IUser)

# later ...

user = container.get(IUser)